民营公司 500-1000人 快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品) 贸易/进出口
民营公司 500-1000人 快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品) 贸易/进出口
广州市索柔生物科技有限公司是国际领先的化妆品品牌输出基地,专为国际性化妆品品牌提供加工的平台,为客户提供全方位的、个性化的OEM/ODM/OBM服务,帮助客户在日化线、专业线、药妆线、网购或电购线打造一个高品质而颇具竞争力的品牌。是一家集研发、生产及销售策划为一体的专业化妆品OEM/ODM加工服务企业。 索柔公司厂区环境优美,坐落在人称“四季花城”的花都镜湖工业区,远眺王子山脉,近临镜湖水气,毗邻新国际白云机场。工厂严格按照制药GMP生产标准及日本JIS(9920-1989)标准建设,同时严格按照GMPC及ISO9001:2008国际质量体系认证规范建立了产品品质保证体系,实施7S目视化管理,采用全员全过程质量管理(即TQM工作法),通过高标准、严要求的硬件及软件的支撑,树立索柔产品在行业竞争领先优势。 公司拥有从日本原装进口的美之贺全自动真空均质乳化机和国内先进的变频调速的自动流水线,EDI水处理等先进设备,并建立完善的质量品质控制系统,从生产流程全部实现过程控制、过程管理,构建了由来料检测IQC、生产现场QC、到半成品成品检测、留样管理等多位一体的品质控制体系,确保了每批次的产品质量始终如一 。 公司联合曾服务于全球最大的化妆品OEM生产制造商“日本コルマー(科玛)株式会社”的上田健治先生共同成立个人护理用品研究中心。该中心由日本资深专家指导研发,可以承担目前化妆品研发生产的各类需求,紧随国际个人护理品潮流,研发各种个人护肤品。 公司福利 免费食宿:宿舍设有空调、衣柜、阳台、独立卫生间、独立冲凉房,热水器,免费无线WIFI。 五险一金:公司免费为员工购买生育保险、工伤保险、医疗保险、养老保险、失业保险、住房公积金。 年终奖金:每年年底公司根据当年的运营情况发放年终奖金。 工龄奖:工作满一年后,随着服务年限增加。 全勤奖:月度无请假、迟到、早退或旷工,即为全勤。 带薪年假:工作满一年后,即可享受带薪年假。 法定假期:公司所有员工享有国家规定的法定节假日。 生日福利:每月生日的员工,可领取生日礼金。 节日福利:大型节日,公司为员工精心准备礼品或礼金。 文化活动:公司文化活动丰富多彩,如厂庆、中秋、运动会、年会等,并设丰厚奖品。 免费班车:免费上下班接送至新华及人和。 乘车指引: 广州 坐地铁至人和地铁站,B出口,坐707公交车到邦一工业园下车。 花都 坐22号公交车到“镜湖工业区”总站下车即到,或花都21号公交车到“邦一工业园”下车走10分钟即到 自驾 直接导航“花都区迎春路一号广州市索柔生物科技有限公司”即可 GUANGZHOU SOYAWA COSMETICS TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD specializes in R&D and manufacturing of cosmetics compliant with international standards. Under the Cooperation with Kenji Ueda, a well-experienced expert in cosmetics from Japan, SOYAWA establishes “personal –care R&D center”. The company not only invests heavily in introducing production equipments and experiments of MIZUHO from Japan, but also builds totally-enclosed purification workshops strictly according to GMPC standards. SOYAWA will make every effort to provide high-quality, personalized and all-around services of OEM/ODM/OBM for customers and also will offer safe, high-quality and effective products in order to ensure the success of customers’ own brand. SOYAWA is located in Huadu of Guangzhou , near Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, enjoying beautiful environment and convenient traffic. Factory is built up strictly conform to GMPC standards and Japan JIS(9920-1989) standards. According to ISO9001:20008 International Quality System , the company establishes a complete set of quality assurance system as well as carry out 7S visual management and TQM. Based on high-standard hardware and software facilities, SOYAWA has very competitive products and establishes good image in the trade. The company introduces automatic vacuum emulsifier of MIZUHO from Japan and also owns other domestic advanced equipments such as automatic frequency control assembly line, EDI water treatment. To ensure and elevate quality, the company has established complete quality guarantee system to control the whole production process with IQC and QC from raw material to finished products. Under the Cooperation with Kenji Ueda ,who once worked for the biggest OEM manufacturer in the world “日本コルマー(科玛)株式会社”, SOYAWA establishes “personal –care R&D center”. This center, led by expert Kenji Ueda, can develop various skincare products following the international trend to satisfy all kinds of needs from customers.